The objective of poker is to earn money by capturing the pot which contains bets made by various players during the hand. A player wagers a bet in hopes that he has the best hand, or to give the impression that he holds a strong hand and thus convince his opponents to fold (abandon) their hands
An ordinary game of Poker proceeds as follows:
1. Blinds
A Small Blind and Big Blind are fixed amounts for a table which are posted by the two Players to the left of the Dealer (D) respectively before any card is dealt on the table. These are mandatory bets. Two cards (called the Hole cards) are then dealt to each Player.

2. Pre Flop
A round of betting takes place based on the Player’s Cards where the bets can be called or raised by the Players or the Players can drop out (fold) from the game. A round of betting begins, starting from the player to the left of the Big Blind (subsequently the action moves in Clockwise direction). Each player has the following options:
Fold - Discard his 2 Hole cards (The user will no longer be a part of this hand after this action and loses all rights to contend for the amount ac cumulated in the pot)
Call - Contribute an amount equivalent to the amount posted by the Big Blind.
Raise - Contribute an amount greater than the big blind (restrictions apply to the minimum amount user has to put extra to raise). When a player chooses to raise all the remaining players in the hand are required to at least match the raise amount to continue to be a part of the hand. (exception - when a user does not have enough amount to match the raise amount he can put his entire table balance in the pot and go “All-in”(explained in the following points).
This round of betting ends when all players who choose not to fold or go all-in, match the highest individual contribution to the pot by a player.(if all players except one folds then the hand ends and all the money in the pot is awarded to the remaining player after any rake deductions that may apply). If 2 or more players remain in the hand after the end of this round, players move to FLOP (see below)

3. Flop
After the completion of the previous round of betting, 3 community cards are dealt {see image below} on the table (These 3 cards are collectively called the flop). A new round of betting begins, the player who posted the Small Blind in the previous round plays first. (this players is the first to play in all subsequent turns in this hand.). All the players have an additional option to “CHECK”, they choose not to contribute any money into the pot. This action in only available to you if all players who played before you in this round of betting also chose to “CHECK” if any player decides to add money in the pot all checks are made invalid and all the remaining players in the hand must at least match the amount bet to be able to continue to participate in the hand.
This round of betting ends when all players who choose not to fold or go all-in, match the highest individual contribution to the pot by a player.(if all players except one folds then the hand ends and all the money in the pot is awarded to the remaining player after any rake deductions that may apply).
If 2 or more players remain in the hand after the end of this round, players move to Turn (see below)

4. Turn
After the completion of the previous round of betting, 1 community card is dealt {see image below} on the table (This card is called the “TURN”). A new round of betting begins with the same rule that applied to the Flop round of betting.

5. River
After the completion of the previous round of betting, 1 community card is dealt(this is the last card to be dealt {see image below} on the table (This card is called the “River”). The final round of betting begins with the same rules that applied to FLOP and TURN.
If 2 or more players remain in the hand after this round the the players move to Showdown

6. Showdown
All the players still left in the hand make the best combination of 5 cards using their 2 hole cards and the 5 community cards. The player with the strongest combination(See hand Strength Below) win the hand and the amount in the pot.

Tap on to refer to Hand Ranks at any point in the game.
Hand strength in Poker is determined by the following order (best to worst)
1. Royal Flush
The strongest poker hand is the Royal Flush. It consists of Ten, Jack, Queen, King and Ace, all of the same suit. Ex: Spades
2. Straight Flush
The second strongest hand in poker is the straight flush. It is composed of five consecutive cards of the same suit. If two players have a straight flush, the one with the highest cards wins.
3. Four of a Kind
A four-of-a-kind is four cards of the same rank, e.g. Four Kings. If two players have four-of-a-kind, then the one with the highest four-of-a-kind wins. If they have the same (if four-of-a-kind is on the board), then the player with the highest fifth card wins.
4. Full House
A full house is a poker combination of a three-of-a-kind and a pair. If two players have a full house, then the one with the highest three-of-a-kind wins. If they have the same one, then the pair counts.
5. Flush
Five cards of the same suit make a flush. If two players have a flush, then the one with the highest cards wins.
6. Straight
Five consecutive cards are called a straight. If two players have a straight, the one with the highest cards win.
7. Three of a kind
A three-of-a-kind is a poker combination of three cards of the same rank. If two players have the same three-of-a-kind, then the other cards, or both cards, determine the winner.
8. Two Pair
Two-pair hands are, of course, composed of two pairs. If two players have two-pair, the rank of the higher pair determines the winner. If they have the same higher pair, then the lower one counts. If that is also the same, then the fifth card counts.
9. Pair
A pair is composed of two cards of the same rank. Since winning poker hands are always composed of five cards, the other three cards are so-called "kickers". In case two players have the same pair, then the one with the highest kicker wins.
10. High Card
A pair is composed of two cards of the same rank. Since winning poker hands are always composed of five cards, the other three cards are so-called "kickers". In case two players have the same pair, then the one with the highest kicker wins.
On your turn, you can carry out the following actions:
When a bet is matched and you do not want to bet more, you CHECK for the round to proceed. You can still bet later in the round.

When you do not want to play a round, you FOLD to forfeit that round. You can join the game on the next hand.

When you want to increase the stakes by betting more, you RAISE the bet to your desired amount.

When the previous player raises the bet, you CALL their raise to stay in the round.

There are two types of timers available to the Player:
Primary Timer
The Player has this Timer to play each turn. This Timer resets at every turn.

Secondary Timer
This Timer starts when the Primary Timer expires. Secondary timer acts as a global timer. It is associated with the table. Once expired it does not reset until the player has started a new session. This timer does not reset at every turn.
These options will take effect if they have been switched on:
Auto Muck
This option can be checked from the Settings Tray on the left. AUTO MUCK means that you choose not to show the other player your cards. Auto Muck is only applicable if your turn comes after a winning hand in the showdown and only if it has been checked.

Auto Post Big Blind
This option is available to a player who has just joined the table. If this option is selected players can start playing the next hand immediately by posting the Big Blind amount of the table. If not selected, cards will be dealt to the Player only when the Player is in the Big Blind position.

MPL Poker allows a user to play on as many tables as the user wants at the same time.
How to play on more than one table:
- Join a table
- Open the menu button, Press “EXIT”, and you will be taken to the lobby screen. (You will not forfeit your seat by pressing the “EXIT” button. You can return to your active table at any time by pressing the table name present at the bottom of the lobby screen.)
- Now buy-in to a new table
- If you join more than 1 table, all active tables will be shown on top of the table screen. They will also be shown at the bottom of the Lobby screen.
The money in the poker wallet is used to play poker on MPL. When the user does not have enough balance in his poker wallet and wants to join a table.The required amount is automatically deducted from the MPL Wallet and transferred to the poker wallet and from there to the poker table.
When leaving a table, the money from the poker table is credited to the poker wallet. This happens after the round in which the player left the table - ends. (Please note- Only by pressing the Red “LEAVE TABLE” button will a user be removed from the table. The exit button will only bring the user back to the lobby and the user will not leave his seat on the table)
Money from the poker wallet can be withdrawn to the MPL wallet by clicking the “TRANSFER” button. The entire poker wallet balance must be withdrawn in one go and a player must not be playing in any table while withdrawing the balance. TDS will be deducted if Net Winnings for the poker cycle is ₹10,000 or more.
Net Winnings of Poker cycle = Transfer amount - Sum of all money added to Poker Wallet from MPL Wallet since the last transfer from poker wallet)
Pot Limit Omaha is a Popular variant of poker. (Look for the PL Omaha sign on the lobby page.)
How pot limit omaha differs from poker:
- 4 hole cards are dealt instead of 2 to each player.
- A player must always use 2 cards from the 4 cards dealt to him/her and 3 cards from the 5 community cards to make the best 5 cards.
- A limit is placed on the maximum amount that can be raised in a user's turn. A user may raise any amount less than or equal to the pot value (calculated after assuming that the user called the pot).For eg: Player A,B,C and D are playing a hand
- If Player A bets Rs. 10
- Player B Bets Rs. 10
- Player C Bets Rs. 20
- Then Player D can Bet Rs. 80 (calculated in the following manner - if player D wanted to call he would have to put Rs.20 in the pot. (now the pot value (10+10+20+20) Rs. 60. So player D can put an additional Rs. 60(max pot value after call) in the pot.Hence the maximum total amount that can be bet by Player D is Rs. 80(20+60).
Pot Limit Omaha 5 is a new variant of Pot Limit Omaha. (Look for the PL Omaha 5 sign on the lobby page.)
5 hole cards are dealt to each player (instead of 4 in Pot Limit Omaha).
Apart from this difference, the rules of the game Pot Limit Omaha apply.
- Look For the RIT sign on the lobby page
- In Run It Twice, when no amount of money can be bet anymore (when at least n-1 users are all-in) and community cards are yet to be dealt. Then the pot gets split into 2 equal parts and the remaining cards are dealt twice and the 2 pot are distributed according to the 2 sets of community cards ( the cards that were already dealt before RIT became active are common for both the sets)
IMPORTANT: The Player must be at least 18 YEARS OF AGE to play Poker on MPL
Here are some of the best practices to help you play responsibly:
- Play Poker in moderation and only for entertainment.
- Do not play Poker to make money or escape problems.
- Never chase your losses while playing Poker.
- Set aside an entertainment budget for Poker.
- Keep track of the time and monitor the amount of money you spend.
- Balance the time you spend on playing online Poker with other leisure activities.